The TeamViewer  is a software to use remote control access to and other account they are not a hacking terms the client are agree  control to other computer it need to Internet connection is better. If you have any problem to your system you want our computer access to other system so they are help it if you give to other system access them you can see what are doing in your system.

It is use to team work for example you have a group and you are leader you are install a software in other member of group now you want they are not give this setup then you connected to this software and install it easily.

This is one of best software for connected to one computer to other computer they are support in all operating system for example windows are be special designing but now we are use to all o/s system android, ISO and special blackberry operating system. Many operating system are windows phone android phone and ISO phone are be supported them.

TeamVieser are remote access desktop application to use many function this was developed by 2005 they are used in browser setting this is new feather is supported in windows 10 and chrome operating system.

They are extra feather is multi connection is different desktop it means it use share in group it method is when each computer is connected each other so they give a log name and password when you inter the login then you are connected to each other.

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